Thursday, December 31, 2009

Gifts on December 24th ... Christmas Eve

We've been waiting for this form called an I-171H from Homeland Security. This is our approval to adopt our 3 kids in Ethiopia.  So I called their office in Helena, Montana and left a message, wondering when we might receive it.  The Lord knows you can't talk to a person!  They called back and said they had already sent it to us!  That letter of approval we got, WAS the I-171H.  It was just behind the typed letter.  So we've had it since Dec 24th!

December 24th, 2002, I stood in my front yard with my little family and buried a little box under the fir trees.  We had lost our last baby after 3 months of pregnancy.  It was buried on Christmas Eve.  As we stood there singing Amazing Grace... it started snowing.  I love the snow.  The Lord knows I love the snow.  It was a gift.  It reminded me of the song...

Mercy is falling, is falling, is falling.
Mercy it falls like a sweet spring rain.
Mercy is falling, is falling all over me...

And now 7 years later we recieved 3 gifts on Christmas Eve.
Our court date
Our I-171H
The CD of Gadeza, our Ethiopian son

God is so good.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic Christmas Eve! We received a new video of our daughter from Sue (CCI) on Christmas Eve...

    so happy for you. May this last leg of the journey go quickly, but may you savor every moment leading up to having them in your arms!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
