Thursday, December 24, 2009

Faith Like Potatoes

I sought the Lord and He heard me,
and delivered my from all my fears.
O taste and see that they Lord is good
and blessed is the man who trusts Him.

I've been "on my face" as it were, for the past few days.  Really crying out to God regarding our adoption. Was this really you God?  Or have I done all this in my own strength?  Now that we've gotten this far, will you send the money that we need to complete this adoption?  Or will you leave us hanging here?  I'm not good at waiting.  I'm good at getting the job done.  Are you there?  Are you listening?  Why are you silent?  I need to hear from You!  It has felt like God has withdrawn Himself, to see what was in my heart.

We watched a great movie last night.  "Faith Like Potatoes"  A story about a South African farmer.  Who had a dramatic conversion to Jesus.  Based on a true story.  He was used by God because of his faith in God's power and God did incredible miracles.  And after hearing from God he planted potatos in the dry drought land of Africa.  Then prayed for a harvest.  Everyone thought he was crazy. But He believed God and did not doubt.

He explained it that faith is like potatoes that grow under the ground where it is hidden.  You can't see what God is doing sometimes, until the time is right and it's ready to harvest. 

Today, Christmas Eve, we received not one but THREE really cool things.

1) We have a court date in Ethiopia.  January 21st. 
    When we pass our kids will be legally ours!
2) We got an approval letter from Homeland Security for our I-600A
3) We got a CD of our son, Gadeza in Ethiopia,
     looking at our photo album. He looked a little scared
     and kept shaking his head, Yes then No. Please, pray for him...

But the Lord is faithful.  He hears the cries of our hearts.  He is doing things even when we can not see.  So .... I will, with all of my will, TRUST my Lord to deliver these children all the way home to us and bring us all the finances we need.

1 comment:

  1. Praying...3 more from Ethiopia!! You go girl. God will show up...He is not known to show up early, but He always arrives in His perfect time.

    Praying all the details fall through His fingers (which they will) and you will be gathering up your children in Africa before you know it.

    God is so good!

    We are a CCI family too

    Kimmie (comollo)
    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
    expecting again from Ethiopia
