Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good news and Bittersweet News

Today we received both, although unfortunately, the latter seems to overshadow the first right now.  Today our cases went to court in Ethiopia.

Our girls passed and are now legally ours.  Praise God.  I will post pictures when I regain my bearings.

Our little guy, Gadeza did not pass.  In fact his father came and instead of relinquishing him, he took him home.  This is really very good news. He gets to stay with his daddy.  So why am I so sad?  It feels as though I have had another miscarraige, I guess.  I have had to remind myself today, that he did not die.

So, we Praise God who is very much present in our lives.  He has a plan.  It is not our plan.  We want what he wants.  So we surrender to His will. 

This morning, we got on the waiting list for an infant boy.  We are only #3, but I believe we will have to have our money up front, before we can accept a referral this time, since we are still waiting on the rest of our financing for this adoption.

I am tired ... this has been a very lonnnnnng journey. Just when I thought we were at the top of the mountain almost ready to start on the downhill, we are at the bottom of another mountain, looking up. Our family will not be completed until our little boy is home.... whoever and wherever he is... please keep us in your prayers.

Today I grieve.  Tomorrow I will rejoice that I have 2 new little girls.


  1. So sorry to hear about your loss. It is good that he will now be with his father, but I can only imagine your disappointment in hearing the news. We will be thinking about you. Congrats on passing court for your girls.


  2. We have finally come to peace with it. We were making ourselves available to a child who needed a home. Praise God, he no longer needs a home and can remain with his dad!

  3. Sending a hug...glad to see that you said you have peace about it. It is still hard emotionally to unconnect, to what you thought God had connected you to. Praying for your finances...He IS God!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
