Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I remember the first time I heard this song. I think it was about 6 years ago. I was in my kitchen. And as I heard the chorus, I stopped and broke down and cried. The Lord was breaking my heart for the orphan ... and it was then I knew ... that we were called to adopt.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Christmas Stroll

Every year since it's inception, my little business, Wild Prairie Farms, has participated in the Whitehall Christmas Stroll. And every year I average about the same amount in sales. Last year with the economy so poor, it was the worst ever.

Well this year, it took me about 3 solid weeks to get ready, with the last week being 8-10 hour days in the kitchen .... Yikes.

For the past 2 years, sales from our website www.wildprairiefarms.net and Farmer's Markets have gone directly to our Adoption Fundraisers. So this year, I made an extravagent prayer request and asked the Lord for $1000 in sales ... WELL over my usual.

By noon I had made a whopping $120, by 3:00 $379. But by 6:00, closing time, with sales and donations, the Lord gave us $1039. Thank you Jesus!

I tell you this, only to say that the Lord is able to do more than we can imagine or think. He cares for the orphan ... What are you believing Him to do for you and your family today? Ask Him ... He is able!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pleading the Cause of the Orphan

How many people know that November is Adoption Awareness Month?
How many people know that last Sunday was Orphan Sunday?
Last Saturday we did our Both Hands Project ~
One Hand for the Widow ~ One Hand for the Orphan

In Psalm 68:5-6 The Lord says he is the ... "Father to the fatherless,
a defender of widows ... God sets the lonely in families... "

We know that not everyone is called to adopt children into their home.
But we are all called to care for the orphan.

James 1:27 says, "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble ..."

I once asked a pastor, what this really meant. He said basically if you are a Christian, this is what you are supposed to do.

For our family we feel it is a calling from God to open our hearts and our home to orphans. Is it easy? NO. Is it worth it? Absolutely...

Isaiah 1:17 says, "Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the Orphan, Plead for the widow."

So today I am defending the cause of the Orphan.

Let me tell you a little story:

Once there was an old man walking along the shore, he looked down the beach and saw a young man.

As he got closer, he noticed that the young man was reaching down to the shore, picking up small objects, and throwing them into the ocean.

He called out "May I ask what it is that you are doing?"

The young man looked up, and replied, "Throwing starfish into the ocean."

"Why are you doing this?" asked the old man.

To this, the young man replied, "The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them in, they'll die."

Upon hearing this, the old man commented, "But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can't possibly make a difference!"

At this, the young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As it met the water, he said, "I made a difference to that one!"

When our son Gezaw first came home, he told us:
At night he would lie down on his face and pray for a family.
For many days he did this.

We believe there are many others out there that are praying.
Today I want to invite you to be the answer to a child’s prayer:
Whether it is through Adoption, Missions or Financially.

They estimate that there are 152 million orphans in the world.
So does it really matter when you rescue 2?
It does to those to those 2.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

One Hand for the Widow

Well, the first half or our Both hands Project was a great success!  All week it was 65+ degrees and sunshine.  But for Saturday, they were forecasting a cold front and rain.  We prayed hard all week and commanded the clouds to BACK OFF!!  The day began sunny and beautiful!

We had about 30 adults and 12 kids volunteer to help.  In one day we accomplished as much as an army!

The pipes under her house were exposed and froze each year.  We added fiberglass insulation and then added a plywood covering over it all.

We added Storm Doors to the front and back of her home.

We added 14 sheets of T1-11 paneling around the base of her home, covering the patchwork of beat up plywood.

We painted the entire worn out Brown house, a beautiful Sky Blue.

Her weathered wooden window frames were wrapped with white aluminum.

Her old wooden window sashes were scraped and painted a fresh white, along with her patio railings.

Two dump truck loads junk and trash were picked up and hauled off.

All her ripped and frayed screens were replaced.

Aluminum flashing replaced the rotting wood base around her home.

The decks were swept clean.

The windows were washed inside and out.

The inside of her home was swept, washed, cleaned, dusted, vacuumed and polished.

We each stopped for a few moments here and there throughout the day to sit and visit with her, to talk, to pray and to encourage her.

At the end of the day I sat with her and SHE prayed for ME!  She prayed that all our needs would be met by the Lord.  She was totally blessed and overwhelmed by the goodness of God ... how He answers us before we even ask Him for help!

And as the last car left, it began to rain.  GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our Both Hands Project - This Saturday !

Nov 6th is Orphan Sunday weekend. Our family and a team of friends, will be performing a Home Makover for a local widow, while at the same time, raising funds to adopt 1-2 more orphans from Ethiopia. We need prayers and support. Can you help us spread the word?

So now we've got Good News and Bad News.

The Good News is we have been awarded a Matching Grant for $3000 from Lifesong for Orphans for our upcoming adoption. This means every dollar you give up to $3000, will be DOUBLED. :) $3000 = $6000!

The Bad News is that we don't get that grant money unless our friends support us. :( It's hard for us to ask you, but if you've been thinking about helping us by sponsoring us during our Both Hands Project ~ One Hand for the Widow ~ One Hand for the Orphan, please send in your donation soon! Our project is this Saturday, November 6th and although we can recieve your donations anytime, now is better than later! And by the way, all donations are tax deductible.

Our Both Hands Project is a fundraiser to adopt and give 2 more Institutionalized Orphans a Forever Family. We believe this is a calling on our lives from God, to raise the ransom and rescue these kids from a life of loneliness and despair. We appreciate your help.

To make a donation go to:
Scroll down to 11/06/10 and to the Schilling Family

Thank you so much!

Bonnie Schilling

Our Both Hands Project - One Hand for the Widow - One Hand for the Orphan

As you know, this last Easter, we adopted and brought home 3 children from Ethiopia. Now we are a family of eight. You would think our family was complete!

We thought so too, until just recently, when we felt the Lord inviting us once again to open our hearts and home, to at least one little boy, perhaps two.

Last year we witnessed the Lord’s provision in miraculous ways and we firmly believe that what He... calls us to do, He will provide for. So we are taking another huge step of faith and surrendering our lives to the Lord’s purposes for our family and His kingdom. Where He leads us, we want to follow.

We’ve organized a Both Hands Project for this Saturday, November 6th.  Both Hands is a Christian organization partnering with Lifesong for Orphans that helps serve widows in local communities in practical ways, while raising funds to help orphans become adopted.

If you have ever sponsored somebody to participate in a walk-athon or a 5K run, this will be an easy concept to understand. Instead of running, a team of about 14 people, including us, will be spending one entire day working on a widow’s home, performing minor repairs and fixing up her house inside and out. Basically all the work that can be completed in just one Saturday. Sort of a home improvement and landscape makeover.

We will be asking people to sponsor us while we work and serve a widow and the money will be used to help bring these orphans home to their forever family.

To check out Both Hands and Lifesong for Orphans online, go to:

If you would like to sponsor us:
Online at www.lifesongfororphans.org/bhProj.html
Scroll down to find Charlie and Bonnie Schilling
choose the Donate button.

Check made payable to Lifesong for Orphans
Be sure to write Schilling Adoption #1604
in the memo section of your check.

Mail your check to:
Lifesong for Orphans,
PO Box 40,
202 N. Ford St,
Gridley, IL 61744


Friday, October 15, 2010

When the devil comes in like a flood ...

Wow, these past few day have been like a flood ... High and low events like you wouldn't believe ....

But our God is faithful ... When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19)

I am like a lamb ... we are the sheep of His pasture ... I KNOW the voice of the Shepherd, My Father.  His voice does not bring fear, chaos or stir up anger.  That is the voice of the enemy.  In the midst of the storm, His voice brings peace.

The morning after receiving awesome confirmation from the Lord that we were on the right path, we were instantly in the middle of a storm.  It left us angry, confused, disillusioned, feeling betrayed.  But not towards the Lord.

We cried out to the Lord to speak to us, to let us know we heard Him correctly, to speak to us in the midst of the storm.....

And that He did! 

As I was walking out of my bedroom, I noticed a piece of folded notebook paper sticking up out of a slightly opened dresser drawer.  An unusual sight, since I don't even use that dresser, except for storage.  Ordinarily, I would have just shoved it back in and shut the drawer, but somehow it intrigued me.  I picked it and opened it.  This was a letter that had gone missing shortly after receiving it 5 years ago.  The letter was dated 8/11/05.  It was from a good friend in Oregon, who had sent us a check for $100, when we were attempting to raise funds five years ago to adopt 2 little boys from Guatemala.  We raised a total of $170.  A clear indication that the doors were shut.  We never cashed the check, and soon the envelope and it's contents went missing.  I was so sad about it, I never even thanked her.

So as we were crying out to the Lord to give us direction, to calm the storm, to bring clarity and peace, we read the letter.

"May the Lord MULTIPLY what He sends you in all love offerings, especially in what I am sending today.  May He open the heavens and richly bless you and yours with His Love .... Regena.  The letter and check were dated 8/11/05.  Five years TO THE DAY of the re-adoption of our 3 new Ethiopian children.

For us, this was a huge confirmation that the Lord heard our prayers and that we are on the right path ... the path that He has set before us today.  We were both instantly flooded with the peace that comes from the Lord. 

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My God Shall Supply ALL of Your Needs ....

My husband spent a day in Prayer and Fasting a while back.  When he was done, I asked him if the Lord had told him anything.  He said we need to get a van.  To be honest, I thought he was a little off.  (This was before I heard the Lord asking us to open up our hearts and home to adopt more kids from Ethiopia.)

We had a Suburban, in fact we have two.  Although the older one is for sale.  But recently when we decided to adopt we realized, we need a van.  We have enough room for the eight people in our family to rise together but not one or two more.

Well this local Catholic Non-Profit organization was selling their used van. Our Pastor's wife, Julie told us about it parked out on a main street in Butte, where we go to church.  So we called about it.  Turns out they just had a new van donated to them.  We test drove it and we liked it.  Then I told the very nice man, Leroy, that I was praying that the Lord would have them donate it to us.  He smiled.  Told me to write a letter to the Board of Directors.

So I put this prayer request out on Facebook, asking my friends to pray that they would donate the van to us. 

First they dropped the price down $500. We said thanks. Then we applied for a loan we really could not afford.  We got approved.  Then we asked them would they consider coming down a little more on the price.  He said they would be having a board meeting Tuesday (today) and he would bring it up at the meeting.

Well Leroy called me tonight and said, "How are you Bonnie?  Have you been praying?  The van is yours. You can pick it up as soon as you'd like to."


Monday, October 4, 2010

Tickle Me!

Ever since Zakeya (4 yrs old) came home to live with us, she has not been ticklish.  Instead she gets this distant look on her face and hardens herself, will not smile, will not laugh.

We've been praying for her to let down her walls, and for the Lord to immerse her in His love.

She made a decision to be baptized yesterday and today ... SHE IS TICKLISH!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Are you sure, you don't want ... just one more?

This blog entry has been removed.  This makes me very sad .....

I posted it so that other mom's across the nation would have SOMEONE they could relate to.  And instead, I have been judged by it ....

As adoptive parents, we have all these books recommended to us on the kids, how to help them adjust, how to help them attach, how to help them connect, but there is no one out there who is honest enough to say what the adults might be going through and that it's OK.  I had done just that ... on purpose... to try to help someone else... and now I am being judged by it.

People don't really want you to be honest.  Then if you are, they label you and put you in a box.

I feel my trust has been violated.   Makes me not want to share here anymore.

My life has always been this:  to comfort others with the same comfort I myself have received.  That comfort has not come from "the professionals", that comfort has come directly from God Almighty.  And I willingly expose myself so that others might find the same comfort and healing I have found.  That is who I am and why I was made.  I will continue to do this for the rest of my life.  But maybe not here and not today.

Can I forgive?  Yes I can.  But, my trust has been violated.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The New Normal

Well here I am.  We survived.  The first month was incredibly hard ... kind of like having 3 new babies that don't stay in the crib.  I was very sick for the first 2 weeks, which made it harder.

I have been WAY TOO busy to sit at the computer.  They keep me busy all the time!  With spring here, there is much I want to do ... start our vegetable garden, clean out the weeds and plant flowers, build my white picket fence, make soap and get ready for the Farmer's Market, finish taxes (oy vey) .. but I can hardly see the floor in my "used to be cleaner and semi-organized" house.  Every day it looks like a tornado came thru!  Mess everywhere!  Why do kids throw everything on the floor?!!

Someday I just leave it all behind and go outside and prepare the garden.  I built some raised beds, started tilling around the soon to be white picket fence for herbs and flowers.  But I just can't seem to get on top of anything!  When will things become normal again?!!

Actually it took about a month and now we call it the "New Normal".  I love my new kids, but being honest I spent some time the first week, greiving over the loss of the old normal, things will never be the same ...  we are now a bilingual, multi-racial, blended family ... and it is all good.   Somedays are hard, some good.  Everyday is FULL.  No chance of boredom here!

The kids are learning English and I am learning Orominya.  We are communicating very good with what we have to work with.  Lately, they are beginning to share some history and included in there are many heartaches.  I'm so glad we know the Healer of hearts.  They are Christians!  So very cool!  They sing Christian songs in their language, remind us to zalote (pray) when we forget, before eating.  They learned "Jesus Loves Me" very quickly. 

They have very tender hearts, but also a very stubborn streak, in each one.  Like normal kids!  Remember when your mom used to say, "Eat your food, the starving children in Africa would be happy to eat ANYTHING!"  It's NOT true.  They are as picky as any kid.

We have a huge paradigm shift going on here.  They LOVE to work (hoji).  If you are doing something and don't give them a job, they are hurt.  "Me no hoji?", with a very sad face and tears.  Out in the garden, Dibora does a mean hoe.  She told me she and Zakeya both worked in Kamashi in the garden.  They were probably only 2 & 3 years old.  Such a huge difference with our kids in America. 

This has been an incredible ride, a white knuckler at times, but I wouldn't give it up for ANYTHING!  God is good, all the time. 

Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hands have provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.

I'll be back, the next time I come up for air!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jet Lag

Oh My Gosh ... Will I ever function again?  I can't believe this jet lag!  I am overwhelmed and exhausted and there is so much to tell, but where to start.  The kids are great, beautiful and ours.... that's all I can say today.  More later when I recover....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time to Travel !

Well, at long last we have recieved our approval to travel to pick up ALL THREE of our children! 

We will be traveling to Addis Ababa through Dubai.  Our whole family needs your prayers for protection.  Already this week, days before we are leaving, our oldest daughter Bethanie, broke her arm.

We are SO EXCITED!  We will post pictures and more info when we get back and we are able to catch our breath!

Thanks again for all of your support!

Zoo with Sue

Some of the older kids got to have an outing with the director, Sue while she was in Addis Ababa.  What a treat!  Here is our Gezaw and Dibora!  I LOVE her hair!

The girls meet their new brother!

Girls, this is Gezaw.  Here is your new brother.  Why don't you come over here and give him a hug? 

What ... and get Boy Cooties?

Zakeya's face is priceless!

Friday, March 5, 2010

We Have a New Son!

This is Joshua Gezaw Matthew. 
Joshua means "YAHWEH is Salvation."
Gezaw is Amharic and means "Take Authority over him."
Matthew means "Gift of YAHWEH."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kutless - What Faith Can Do

Everybody falls sometimes
Gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes and make a new beginning
Anyone can feel the ache
You think it’s more than you can take
But you are stronger, stronger than you know
Don’t you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do

It doesn’t matter what you’ve heard
Impossible is not a word
It’s just a reason for someone not to try
Everybody’s scared to death
When they decide to take that step
Out on the water
It’ll be alright
Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing

I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do

Overcome the odds
You do have a chance
(That’s what faith can do)
When the world says you can’t
It’ll tell you that you can!

I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do
That's what faith can do!

Even if you fall sometimes
You will have the strength to rise

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wait Upon the Lord

Well, we had our long awaited big, huge, Benefit Concert last night. The time of worship was great, Leon was great!  The Lord's presence was there with us.  But less than 50 people came. Thunk....  VERY depressing.

But God still has a plan, that just wasn't it. We hadn't made any travel plans yet.  So we talked with our director this morning,  (thanks Sue).  And then we prayed.

In my heart, I heard the Lord say, "Wait upon the Lord. You'll renew your strength".  So we looked it up in the Bible.  This is what it says:

"But, those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for, and hope in Him, shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall  lift their wings and mount up close to God as eagles mount up to the sun; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired."  Isaiah 40:31 Amplified

God sees the whole picture, we don't.  For some reason, He wants us to wait and not go yet.  If we had received all the money we needed at the concert as we had hoped, we would be leaving in 2 weeks.  But that door has been closed now.  This way, we have to wait for God's perfect timing and trust that He knows what is best.  So we have decided to wait until March 4th to see if Gezaw's case passes court.

If he does, we will pick up all three kids together, probably the beginning of April. A month later for the girls than we had hoped ...  :(

If he doesn't pass court on March 4th, I will probably fly ALONE (Oh My Gosh...) at the last minute :{  by March 7th and pick up the girls and take them to their original March 11th Embassy Appointment.  Talk about stressful.  Then Charlie will fly later when Gezaw's case does pass.

We hope it doesn't happen this way, as Charlie admits, he needs me there since I've been doing all the paperwork and I need him there so I'm not scared to death and having panic attacks.

So, we started out stunned and bummed today, but now I'm experiencing His peace.  We are trusting that God is in control and He has a plan.

After everything last night, we still received $1300, which is really incredible and we are very greatful.  With this new plan, we still need about $8000 to complete all three adoptions and pick them up. So you can be in prayer about that for us.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

On Thursday, my husband's birthday, we received a special donor grant for $10,000!!  That makes a total of $14,500 in grants in the past week or so!  This pays for our 2 girl's country fees.  Those needed to be paid in full before we could travel.  So now, we can schedule our Embassy appointment.  We should be traveling the week of March 11th to go pick up our girls!!!

We still need about $6,800 for travel and visas for the girls and about $8500 for Gezaw's adoption fees, travel and visas before we pick him up late April.

At this point I know that I know, the Lord will provide everything we need.  But I am still knocking, asking, and reminding Him that we are still in need. 

We are having our Benefit Concert this Friday night.  Please pray for 1000 people to come!  So far our pre-concert ticket sales have been very slow. But, our God is able to do more than we can imagine or think!

Thanks for your continued prayers!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Received a Grant from Lydia Fund!

Praise God.  We had an over the phone interview tonight with the folks from The Lydia Fund and they decided to give us a grant!  One more step closer to picking up our girls.  But it's not over yet.  Keep prayin'!  If we get all the money we need soon, we can travel for our embassy date the week of March 11th!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ready for Travel!

We got word today, that if we had all the money we needed, right now, we would be ready to make travel arrangements to pick up our girls.  All of their paperwork, birth certificates, passports, etc. are ready.  Please pray that the Lord would send us the finances we need to bring our girls home! 

Grants Pending

Right now we are being considered for 3 different grants!   Please pray that the Lord will release the much needed funds to us. 

Good news!

Gezaw's case has been submitted to Ethiopian court today.  If all goes well he could be home in 12 weeks! Pray!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Lord found us our boy!

As you may know, we have been in the process of adopting 3 kids. 2 little girls, Zakeya & Dibora who passed court on Jan 21st. and Godeza, who did not pass court, in fact his Dad came and took him home.

We immediately asked Sue to put us on the waiting list for another infant boy. But God has His own plans. All we have to do is listen and when we hear His voice, we need to drop all of our own plans and agendas and embrace what He wants.

"I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

So after much wrestling with the Lord, :) we have laid our own plans down and we have joyfully decided to adopt Gezaw from the Waiting Boys list. He is 7 years old, has a sweet and gentle smile. In fact he is smiling in every picture. Even on his medicals, the Dr. noted that when he was there getting his exam, he was smiling.

Sue says he is paper ready and will be submitted to court next week. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Grant Money Awarded!

Praise God!
We got a call today from CARI and we have been awarded a grant!  This gets us one step closer to bringing our kids home!  Thank you Lord!  Keep Praying....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Upcoming Benefit Concert

We are having a Benefit Christian Concert, Friday, February 19th at 7 pm at East Middle School in Butte, Montana. 

The concert will feature local Worship Pastor and Contemporary Christian Artist, Leon Young, from Missoula, MT.  Leon just recently opened for Sanctus Real and Brandon Heath at the Ravalli County Fair in Hamilton, MT and for Big Daddy Weave in Missoula. 

Tickets are a $10 donation in advance and $12 at the door.  Tickets can be purchase online at www.wildprairiefarms.net/tickets.htm
All proceeds will go to the Schilling Family Adoption Fund. 

Tell your friends!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Joy & Hope

OK ... Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.  Praise God!  We have 2 more little girls in our family!  So happy and excited to bring them home. 

Sarah Zakeya Joy
Rachel Dibora Hope

We are still waiting for mega funds to miraculously appear from heaven to pay our remaining fees.  We still have not heard from 8 of our grant agencies that we applied for.  We will not be able to travel until we pay our account in full.  Our embassy date could be as early as February 25th, 4 weeks from now!

Please pray for a miracle!  Please, Lord, hear our cries!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good news and Bittersweet News

Today we received both, although unfortunately, the latter seems to overshadow the first right now.  Today our cases went to court in Ethiopia.

Our girls passed and are now legally ours.  Praise God.  I will post pictures when I regain my bearings.

Our little guy, Gadeza did not pass.  In fact his father came and instead of relinquishing him, he took him home.  This is really very good news. He gets to stay with his daddy.  So why am I so sad?  It feels as though I have had another miscarraige, I guess.  I have had to remind myself today, that he did not die.

So, we Praise God who is very much present in our lives.  He has a plan.  It is not our plan.  We want what he wants.  So we surrender to His will. 

This morning, we got on the waiting list for an infant boy.  We are only #3, but I believe we will have to have our money up front, before we can accept a referral this time, since we are still waiting on the rest of our financing for this adoption.

I am tired ... this has been a very lonnnnnng journey. Just when I thought we were at the top of the mountain almost ready to start on the downhill, we are at the bottom of another mountain, looking up. Our family will not be completed until our little boy is home.... whoever and wherever he is... please keep us in your prayers.

Today I grieve.  Tomorrow I will rejoice that I have 2 new little girls.