Saturday, September 1, 2012

We've Gone Public!

This post is long overdue. I began writing it when we first came home from Ethiopia ....

We received a VERY encouraging message today from Naiegzi (Nie-eeg-zee) Hiruy Tsige today. We met with him and his wife, Susanne last Thursday in Addis Ababa. They have recently been married. She is from Austria and they both speak fluent English. He is the son of Hiruy Tsige, the International Overseer of Harvest Church of God, which is the missionary church planted out of Church of God from Cleveland, Tennessee, of which our church in Butte, MT., Abundant Life Fellowship is a part of. Does that make sense? You may have to read that one twice. :)

Anyway we met with them last week while we were in Addis, because we believe through a series of events and "God-incidences" that the Lord has invited us to come to Ethiopia and help plant a new church, starting as a house church then growing from there. This was not our idea at all, but really, we have discovered it is on God’s heart for our family through prophetic words and invitations of believers, friends, partners, and leaders in Ethiopia. I am starting to feel a little like Moses, wanting to tell God ... Who us? You must have made a mistake ... We can’t do this ... We are not "trained" ... etc, etc. But I seem to recall, at least in the movie "The Prince of Egypt" that God got pretty angry at Moses and said basically, "Who are you to question me? Wasn’t it I who made man’s mouth? ... NOW GO!!!"

The meeting went incredibly well. We went humbly, not knowing what the response would be ... sharing what God had done in our lives leading us to Ethiopia, first thru our adoptions, then our ministry and now, hearing him call us, invite us, to join Him there in Ethiopia. They sat smiling and intently listening to every word. Then they shared with us their vision. We sat there with our mouths open, I am sure at least I did, marveling at how God works out every detail, ahead of time. Their vision was the same as ours, to the detail. He showed us that these things are not our ideas but His, implanted into our hearts and minds, so that we can fulfill His purposes.

Naiegzi and his friend Ketsela, the young 30 something man that was recently hired by our in-country partner Alayu as his assistant, have had a vision and been praying to start an International English speaking Church for over 7 years. They want it to be excellent. He said "We must use a different strategy with this one. It must be the best of the best. The best speakers, the best leaders, the best musicians..." (HALLELUJAH). He said he has been telling the people on the worship teams for the last year, to start learning English worship songs. He promised his new wife ... said he did not know how or when, but that God WOULD start an English speaking church in Addis. They want to use the church as a place to plant other churches from. To raise up missionary pastors to send out. (Our vision as well). They want to serve the poor, the orphan and widow. (Our vision also) They are trying to secure a water well digging rig to provide clean water for those without access. (Also our vision) The similarities were astounding ... and exciting .. and overwhelming.

"Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth,

Would care to know my name, Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star,

Would choose to light the way, For my ever wandering heart.
Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done.
Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are ..."

You know, it is one thing to get an idea or to have a heart for something and then go and try to make it a reality. It is quite another thing, to have the Lord himself have an idea and a heart for something, then deposit that vision into your own heart and mind, then invite you to join Him, while He himself works behind the scenes, opening doors, preparing hearts, and making it a reality. This whole thing is just amazing to me. We have entered into a realm that we have never quite walked in before. It involves listening and seeing in the Spirit, believing what He says, trusting Him, patience, faith. LOTS of faith ... faith for that which is unseen. I am just amazed that he chose US!!

During the meeting we came to a point in the conversation where we said, "If you chose us ...."

And to that Naiegzi said, " If YOU chose US!!" Amazing ... so much for the fear of rejection.

His father, the Overseer, was out of town, out of the country actually, in the US at Church of God Headquarters trying to secure this drilling rig. So when he returned, they had another meeting after we went home.

I had sent a message asking if this was a secret, because up until now, we were advised that we should keep this private, secret from the government until it was actually a reality. I wondered ... how can I keep something like this a secret? How will we survive without prayer and support from friends and family while we are preparing to go? Trust me ... this will have to be a God thing, because this means in about one year, my husband will be quitting his job and we will be renting our house out for now and packing up all our belongings that can fit in our 2 suitcases each and moving ourselves and 8 kids to Ethiopia to be missionaries to plant a church. We have no money for this, no savings, no means for this to happen. Just like we didn’t for adopting 5 Ethiopian kids, two separate times. But He provided everything we needed. We will need set up funds ... a vehicle to fit 10 people, preferably a 4 wheel drive van costing about $26,000 - $30,000 with their 225 % tax, money for 6 months rent up front as is customary, money for furniture, beds, bedding, kitchen supplies, a stove, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. We will need monthly support to keep us going, for food and gas and all the essentials. We will need Gods provision. But we have faith and belief that if He wants this to happen HE WILL PROVIDE. Just like he did with both of our adoptions from Ethiopia, where money miraculously fell from heaven. And what about giving God glory for what He is doing?

Then I got this response back ...."First of all, we agree in making the idea of an International English Church public, this is a very good way of getting support of believers, in prayer and also financially. As long as we are sure about it we won't consider it as secret."

Woo-hoo!!!  Here we go!  So ... we've gone public ... well, except for my husband's workplace.  They aren't especially supportive of anything we have done so far, so we will wait until things are firmed up next year and we have real dates and such. 

So friends ... as always, we love you and are so thankful for you.  Keep us in your prayers! 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Jesus said GO . . .

OK. Some BIG NEWS . . . 

Our family has been invited to be part of the leadership team that is planting a  new International English speaking church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia! Jesus said GO into all the world ... so we are going. We hope to move to Ethiopia in the next year. But first we must raise our own support. We will be having an ongoing Missionary Fundraiser until we meet our goal. We will be offering Ethiopian Jewelry, Coffee, Scarves and our own Handcrafted All Natural Bath & Body Products from our Wild Prairie Farms website at Please help us by spreading the word so we can raise the funds we need. Thank you! ♥

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Rainy Season in Gojjo

A photo of some kids in Gojjo on our way back from church. It is the rainy season in Ethiopia right now. Very chilly in the day and cold at night in Gojjo. Earlier that day this road was a RIVER.  Ended up taking of my shoes and socks to get across to the church.  It was so cold, they thought I was crazy ... but I had dry shoes and socks later.  :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Stand Back . . .

Caught some kind of bug on the plane .... ugh. Feeling cruddy. BUT ... GOD !!! We got great news today. MIRACULOUSLY ... they not only have the court decree already, they have the birth certificates as well ... These 2 things alone should have take 5-6 weeks. STAND BACK AND WATCH GOD MOVE.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Leavin' on a Jet Plane . . .

OK ... we are packed and ready to begin the journey home beginning tomorrow .... will be checking out of this beautiful guesthouse/hotel in CMC area and spending the afternoon with our friend/partner Alayu and his family. Then off to drop the boys back to the Care Center :( and then to the airport ... for a 17 hour flight back to DC. Then another flight to Chicago then Bozeman Montana. Ugh ... 17 hours! They stop in Rome to refuel, but I believe they don't let you off the plane. OMGosh ... please pray that I am not claustrophobic. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed!

Friday, August 3, 2012


WHAT A DAY ... court was supposed to be in the AFTERNOON. Had a bad jetlag sleep of only 5 hours, then went back to sleep at 6am. At 7am the driver appeared and said court is at 8:30am. UGH! Flew out of bed, threw on clothes, drove 1 1/2 hours thru town, traffic, road construction, diesel fumes, dropping off kids, picking up families. Got there late, only to find out they were not opened, as we stood outside in the rain. :) Then walked up 4 flights of stairs in an unlit corridor ... into a room FULL of people, adoptive parents, birth parents relinquishing .. very bittersweet moments ... wanted to cry most of the time. Then after another hour they brought us all in as a group ... asked us simple questions ...then said, "Your adoptions are complete and cannot be revoked FOR ANY REASON."


Holding back sobs from deep within. Not sure it was the lack of sleep, or 16 months of waiting, laboring, praying, warfare ... or both. We walked out of there and in the crowd of people I raised my hands to the Lord and said "HALLELUJAH". Then we walked down the flights of stairs, passed several seated handcuffed prisoners heading to jail ... and into the van.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

From Addis . . .

"Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it. " ~ Habakkuk 1:5, NLT

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Almost Home . . .

We've been waiting SOOOO LONG for this court apointment. April 2011, is when the Lord opened the doors and we began the journey towards adopting our son's 2 brothers ... it's been a looooooong wait. It's almost surreal. I think I have either been holding my breath or running on adrenalin because I feel EXHAUSTED .... rung out.

I had one little tiny eeeeek of excitement tonight when I realized ... we'd be leaving in less that 2 WEEKS and that I will get to see, not only our 2 new sons, but our dear friends, visit our sponsored kids in Gojjo, and meet someone who may be instrumental in the future ministry the Lord is calling us to in Ethiopia, not to mention, look around at places to live, just to get an idea of what's out there. We still have a ways to go down this road ... probably won't be able to bring them home to the US until December, the way it looks, but PRAISE GOD. THEY ARE ALMOST HOME. ♥

Sunday, July 15, 2012

THIS IS NOT A GUILT TRIP .... I may regret posting this out there soon after I hit enter, about making myself vunerable before the world. I might even delete it later. But I am feeling kind of weary here, please lift me up in prayer .... We started this ministry (Rivers of Living Water ~ Helping Orphans and Widows in Need) with the annointing of the Lord. It was His idea, not ours. People have
come out of the woodwork and thanked ME for the honor of allowing them to sponsor a child, to make a difference (even in the midst of the economic crisis). But every quarter when the next donation is due ... ugh. God help me. I hate this part of my job: collecting the donations. One by one, some have had to stop. It happens, no shame, no condemnation ... financial hardships here and there, but then there are those who say they will sponsor then never follow thru ... another unfriended me, then just quit supporting her child. How very sad. She is not rejecting me, but she has rejected her child. But the thing is ... we have already started supporting them. They have tasted the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. There is NO WAY I am going to start cancelling kids from this program!! If anything, there are HUNDREDS more that need a sponsor. But my family cannot support them all. We need help. We need more of Jesus. We need the body of Christ ... This is not a guilt trip. This is me asking for you to PRAY for these children, for this Orphan Ministry, for me who carry these kids in my heart. We may not be the most popular, the coolest, or have the latest T-shirt and merchandise in our store. But WE LOVE OUR KIDS. They have no hope. WE ARE THEIR HOPE. Right now we have over 100 kids waiting in the wings who need a first time sponsor. But I can't add them because, we have 4-5 existing kids who need NEW sponsors and the enemy is taking them out one by one. Please pray with me that the Lord would once again find sponsors for these kids, so they can continue to receive a chance at a new life. Pray for our ministry that the Lord would add finances, an over abundance so that we can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Pray that the Lord would lift this burden off of me, that HE WOULD FIGHT for them. Thank you so much. ♥

Friday, July 13, 2012

Waiting Period

Our family is in a Waiting Period, a Time of Preparation. It almost looks like nothing is happening, like we are treading water. We are not fundraising, not packing, not doing anything tangible, really. The Lord has said "Get Ready" but also "Wait". He is sifting us, cleaning us up, stripping us, healing us, ... it is a season of attack and pain and healing and comfort all at the same time. It is painful, but thank you Lord, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I see the goal, the prize. Please pray for us as we walk thru this season ... I can say this: He is close to the broken hearted and I know He will never leave us. He has a plan and He is doing something deep and under the surface to get us ready. Something we can't explain. Thanks for your prayers. ♥


Have you seen this? There is a movement of God ... He is calling individuals .. youth, adults, FAMILIES, to GO. To leave your comfort zone, give up the American Dream and invest in the kingdom and MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS ... Count. Me. In.

I want to be poured out like a drink offering over the nation to which He has chosen for us. But, what about America you say? Is He sending you to America? Then GO MAKE DISCIPLES in America. Is He calling you to AFRICA? Then GO MAKE DISCIPLES in Africa. That was His Great Commision. GO .... and the Good News is ... He will be with you!! Praise God.

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, (WHICH NATIONS? ALL) baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:18-20

Sunday, July 1, 2012

At All Times . . .

I will praise the Lord at all times.
I will constantly speak his praises.
I will boast only in the Lord;
let all who are helpless take heart.
Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
let us exalt his name together.
I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears.
Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened;
he saved me from all my troubles.
For the angel of the Lord is a guard;
he surrounds and defends all who fear him.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!

~ Psalm 34:1-8

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Do You Not Know?

Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
... but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. ~ Isaiah 40:28-31

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Leave Your Country . . .

“The Lord had said to Abram,‘Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.’ So Abram left, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran.”

"Notice Abram’s response to God’s revelation. Abram simply left and did what the Lord revealed to him. A good question to consider is,“If God revealed a new thing to us in relationship to what He wants to accomplish in and through us, how long would it take us to get in a position to respond?” Spiritual preparedness is about positioning ourselves or assuming a posture that frees us to respond to God’s activity around us."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Strong and Courageous . . .

This is my command: Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9, NLT

Saturday, June 16, 2012

By Faith . . .

"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God." ~ Hebrews 11:8-10

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Be Still . . .

Do you wrestle with fear? 

The internet went down at our house this morning at maybe 11:00. So I picked up the phone to call Qwest. Dial tone, but can't dial out ... OK. So I get my cell phone ... dials but then drops the call. ... Hmmm. We are not in Ethiopia. We are in Montana. What's up with this? Amazing how your mind starts flying at all the possibilites ... like did we just go thru an...other 9-11 or something? Did the US just get attacked? The phones are not connected to the cell phone system, what's next.. the electricity? I went to town to check it out, all phones & computers down, cell phones down, the bank, the doctor's office, everyone down. 4 Qwest trucks at the Qwest office ... empty with the windows down. Did they all go to lunch ... on foot? So I left one a note on the seat of the truck, in case they didn't have a clue as to what was happening. Went back home.

Phones came up at around 6:00pm tonight, internet around 7:00. VERY WEIRD FEELING. It really gave me a chance to see what was in me. Amazing how much we depend on our technology in America, almost like a sense of security. The Amish are free ... watching the animals going on about their business, not worrying, the little birds unaffected by no phone lines .... Wishing I could have as much peace as they do, and truly believe with every part of my being that there is nothing to fear, because I am covered underneath Jesus' wings, hidden under his hand. I know this ... but when faced with fear, I forget. As I was writing this He reminded me of this scripture about the mountains giving way and falling in to the sea ...

Psalm 46
1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
7 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
8 Come and see what the Lord has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
11 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”

Then it FLEW OUT AT ME ... BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD.

He's been talking to me about being still .... Wow.
I love you Lord.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Incredible News !

On March 13th, we got a phone call from our adoption agency telling us that our littlest boy, had tested positive with HIV. They asked us if we wanted to proceed with the adoption. Without hesitation, we said yes. We got off the phone and began a new journey chosen for us by the Lord ... and we prayed ... we prayed that God would heal our son.

We read everything we could get our hands on, even started a new FB group called "Christian HIV Adopted Families", and received as much information as we could. (if you would like to join this group you can message me.) We learned that HIV is nothing to be afraid of. We learned that HIV is not AIDS. We learned that HIV is not contagious in a normal family setting. We learned that HIV is totally controlable with medicines called ARV's and that with consistant medication the HIV virus can reach undetectible levels in the blood and the person can go on and lead a normal healthy life, including birthing healthy children without HIV. We also learned that many people are still VERY AFRAID of HIV and that the stigma and fear runs deep. We prayed about whether we would fully disclose his medical condition due to this fear. We are a very open and honest family, but we felt trapped in society's stigma.

Two days ago, we recieved the blood tests for our 2 sons. But Robe's test sheets had a discrepancy. One sheet said HIV positive. One said HIV negative. Our agency director was traveling to Ethiopia and I just could not wait. I contacted the lab via email last night and asked them what this discrepancy meant. Today I got the answer. The first sheet was the first test, sent electronically. It did say HIV positive, but that they were waiting confirmation on the results. The second sheet was the confirmation that he was NEGATIVE. Then today he also sent me a third test of HIV DNA and the results were NEGATIVE!!!!!

Woo-Hoo!!!! Our God is GOOD!!! Whether there was a mistake or that God healed him, I do not care! I will STILL give him ALL THE PRAISE!!!!

Would I now be willing to adopt a child with HIV? YES.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Harness of the Lord

I have been feeling this restlessness, this agitation, this discontent. Know we are called to go, but not knowing how it could ever happen. When it seems as though money and wordly things are the only things that stand in the way of us propelling forward into the calling on our lives ... Then things get cloudy, and I can not see. I get discouraged, thinking we have lost the way and we will never go. I am a visionary. And when a visionary can't see the vision, they get discouraged.

Last night was such a night. I was so discouraged and asked for encouraging words. I got some.

I have had this same word tucked into the front flap of my Bible for over 22 years .... I was again amazed. God is unchanging. When he gives you a word, it is always fresh. Yesterday, Today and Forever. Read and be encouraged, convicted and comforted. He has us here for a reason. He has YOU here for a reason. In this time of waiting, uncertainty, in between the calling and the going.

The Harness of the Lord - By Bill Britton

There is a terrific operation of the Spirit going on today to bring the Sons of God into an absolute confinement to the perfect will of God. This is the Day of His Preparation, the day in which He is preparing the channel through which He shall pour forth His Glory for all the world to see. This channel is His Body in the earth, that glorious company of people who are being conformed through much tribulation and fiery tests to the Image of the Son of God. This is His "battle axe and weapons of war" with which He shall subdue kingdoms and overcome all His enemies. This is His "mighty and strong One" to whom He shall commit the work of judging this world. This is His Overcomer, His "great army" with which He shall bring the nations into submission. The weapons of their warfare are not carnal, natural weapons, but they are mighty weapons, mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. These are those who shall "be strong and do exploits."

But before God can commit this great and tremendous ministry into their hands, they must submit themselves to the discipline of the Lord, letting Him truly be the Lord of their entire lives. We have long since dealt with the question of open sin, but now God is dealing with the inward rebellion of our own wills. Some good Christians are not now being so dealt with, for they are not in this Firstfruits Company, but nevertheless there is a real dealing of God going on within those who are called into the High Calling of God. This is a very real thing, and is the work of the Refiner’s Fire. To those who are going through it, some of its aspects are horrible, but very necessary, and the end result thereof is glorious as we are brought into absolute and complete submission to the will of our Lord.

It was in a minister’s conference and convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma that God gave me a vision which I want to share with you concerning this harnessing of our own wills. There were more than 30 ministers present in this particular Thursday morning service, and God, the Father of spirits, was present to deal with His sons, to correct them and discipline them to absolute obedience to His will. There was such a stern dealing in the Spirit that no one could go to the pulpit and minister, there was a reluctance among the ministers to say anything except that which was directly ordered by the Spirit. And as those men of God sat there in the awesome presence of Almighty God, some of them having many years of ministry, some missionaries, all of them capable of getting up and preaching a powerful sermon, I was impressed by the way they responded to the discipline of the Spirit. And in the midst of this terrific dealing of God with out spirits, the Holy Ghost gave me a vision ……

I Saw the King’s Carriage

On a dirt road in the middle of a wide field stood a beautiful carriage, something on the order of a stagecoach, but all edged in gold, and with beautiful carvings. It was pulled by six large chestnut horses, two in the lead, two in the middle and two in the rear. But they were not moving, they were not pulling the carriage, and I wondered why. Then I saw the driver underneath the carriage, on the ground on his back, just behind the last two horses’ heels, working on something between the front wheels of the carriage. I though, "My, he is in a dangerous place; for if one of those horses kicked or stepped back, they could kill him, or if they decided to go forward, or got frightened somehow, they would pull the carriage right over him." But he didn’t seem afraid, for he knew that those horses were disciplined and would not move till he told them to move. The horses were not stamping their feet nor acting restless, and though there were bells on their feet, the bells were not tinkling. There were pom-poms on their harness over their heads, but the pom-poms were not moving. They were simply standing still and quiet, waiting for the voice of the Master.

There were Two Young Colts in the Field

As I watched the harnessed horses, I noticed two young colts coming out of the open field, and they approached the carriage and seemed to say to the horses: "Come and play with us, we have many fine games, we will race with you, come catch us……" And with that the colts kicked up their heels, flicked their tails and raced across the open field. But when they looked back and saw the horses were not following, they were puzzled. They knew nothing of harnesses, and could not understand why the horses did not want to play. So they called to them: "Why do you not race with us? Are you tired? Are you too weak? Do you not have strength to run? You are much too solemn, you need more joy in life." But the horses answered not a word, nor did they stamp their feet or toss their heads. But they stood, quiet and still, waiting for the voice of the Master.

Again the colts called to them: "Why do you stand so in the hot sun? Come over here in the shade of this nice tree. See how green the grass is? You must be hungry, come and feed with us, it is so green and so good. You look thirsty, come drink of one of our many streams of cool clear water." But the horses answered them with not so much as a glance, but stood still, waiting for the command to go forward with the King.

Colts in the Master’s Corral

And then the scene changed, and I saw lariat nooses fall around the necks of the two colts, and they were led off to the Master’s corral for training and discipline. How sad they were as the lovely green fields disappeared, and they were put into the confinement of the Corral with its brown dirt and high fence. The colts ran from fence to fence, seeking freedom, but found that they were confined to this place of training. And then the Trainer began to work on them, with his Whip and His Bridle. What a death for those who had been all their lives accustomed to such a freedom! They could not understand the reason for this torture, this terrible discipline. What great crime had they done to deserve this? Little did they know of the responsibility that was to be theirs when they had submitted to the discipline, learned to perfectly obey the Master, and finished their training. All they knew was that this processing was the most horrible thing they had ever known.

Submission and Rebellion

One of the colts rebelled under the training, and said, "This is not for me. I like my freedom, my green hills, my flowing streams of fresh water. I will not take any more of this confinement, this terrible training." So he found a way out, jumped the fence and ran happily back to the meadows of grass. And I was astonished that the Master let him go, and went not after him. But He devoted His attention to the remaining colt. This colt, though he had the same opportunity to escape, decided to submit his own will, and learn the ways of the Master. And the training got harder than ever, but he was rapidly learning more and more how to obey the slightest wish of the Master, and to respond to even the quietness of His voice. And I saw that had there been no training, no testing, there would have been neither submission nor rebellion from either of the colts. For in the field they did not have the choice to rebel or submit, they were sinless in their innocence. But when brought to the place of testing and training and discipline, then was made manifest the obedience of one and the rebellion that lay hidden in the heart of the other. And though it seemed safer not to come to the place of discipline because of the risk of being found rebellious, yet I saw that without this there could be no sharing of His glory, no Sonship.

Into the Harness

Finally this period of training was over. Was he now rewarded with his freedom, and sent back to the fields? Oh no. But a greater confinement than ever now took place, as a harness dropped about his shoulders. Now he found there was not even the freedom to run about the small corral, for in the harness he could only move where and when his Master spoke. And unless the Master spoke, he stood still. The scene changed, and I saw the other colt standing on the side of a hill, nibbling at some grass. Then across the fields, down the road came the King’s carriage, drawn by six horses. With amazement he saw that in the lead, on the right side, was his brother colt, now made strong and mature on the good corn in the Master’s stable. He saw the lovely pom-poms shaking in the wind, noticed the glittering gold bordered harness about his brother, heard the beautiful tinkling of the bells on his feet…… and envy came into his heart. Thus he complained to himself: "Why has my brother been so honored, and I am neglected? They have not put bells on my feet, nor pom-poms on my head. The Master has not given me the wonderful responsibility of pulling His carriage, nor put about me the golden harness. Why have they chosen my brother instead of me?" And by the Spirit the answer came back to me as I watched. "Because one submitted to the will and discipline of the Master, and one rebelled, thus has one been chosen and the other set aside."

A Famine in the Land

Then I saw a great drought sweep across the countryside, and the green grass became dead, dry, brown and brittle. The little streams of water dried up, stopped flowing, and there was only a small muddy puddle here and there. I saw the little colt (I was amazed that it never seemed to grow or mature) as he ran here and there, across the fields looking for fresh streams and green pastures, finding none. Still he ran, seemingly in circles, always looking for something to feed his famished spirit. But there was a famine in the land, and the rich green pastures and flowing streams of yesterday were not to be had. And one day the colt stood on the hillside on weak and wobbly legs, wondering where to go next to find food, and how to get strength to go. Seemed like there was no use, for good food and flowing streams were a thing of the past, and all the efforts to find more only taxed his waning strength. Suddenly he saw the King’s carriage coming down the road, pulled by six great horses. And he saw his brother, fat and strong, muscles rippling, sleek and beautiful with much grooming. His heart was amazed and perplexed, and he cried out: "My brother, where do you find the food to keep you strong and fat in these days of famine? I have run everywhere in my freedom, searching for food, and I find none. Where do you, in your awful confinement, find food in this time of drought? Tell me, please, for I must know!" And then the answer came back from a voice filled with victory and praise: "In my Master’s House, there is a secret place in the confining limitations of His stables where He feeds me by His own hand, and His granaries never run empty, and His well never runs dry." And with this the Lord made me to know that in the day when people are weak and famished in their spirits in the time of spiritual famine, that those who have lost their own wills, and have come into the secret place of the most High, into the utter confinement of His perfect will, shall have plenty of the corn of Heaven, and a never ending flow of fresh streams of revelation by His Spirit. Thus the vision ended.

Interpretation of the Vision

"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." (Habakkuk 2:2) "Harness the horses: and get up, ye horsemen" (Jeremiah 46:4). I’m sure that many of you who can hear what the Spirit saith to the Church, have already seen what God was showing in the vision. But let me make it plain. Being born into the Family of God, feeding in the green pastures and drinking of the many streams of the unfolding revelation of His purposes is fine and wonderful. But it is not enough. While we were children, young, undisciplined, limited only by the outer fence of the Law that ran around the limits of the pastures, (that kept us from getting into the dark pastures of poison weeds), He was content to watch us develop and grow into young manhood, spiritually speaking. But the time came to those who fed in His pastures, and drank at His streams, when they were to be brought into discipline or "child-training" for the purpose of making them mature Sons. Many of the children today cannot understand why some of those who have put on the harness of God cannot get excited by the many religious games and the playful antics of the immature. They wonder why the disciplined ones run not after every new revelation or feed on every opportunity to engage in seemingly "good and profitable" religious activities. They wonder why some will not race with them in their frantic efforts to build great works and great and notable ministries. They cannot understand the simple fact that this Company of saints is waiting for the voice of the Master, and they do not hear God in all this outward activity. They will move in their time, when the Master speaks. But not before, though many temptations come from the playful colts. And the colts cannot understand why those who seemingly appear to have great abilities and strength are not putting it to good use. "Get the carriage on the road", they say, but the disciplined ones, those in God’s harness, know better than to move before they hear the voice of the Master. They will move in their time, with great purpose, and great responsibility.

And the Lord made me to know that there were many whom He had brought into training who had rebelled against the discipline, the chastising of the Father. And they could not be trusted with the great responsibility of mature Sonship, so he let them go back to their freedom, back to their religious activities and revelations and gifts. They are still His people, still feeding in His pastures, but He has set them aside from the great purposes for the end of the age. So they revel in their freedom, feeling that they are the Chosen ones with the many streams of living water, not knowing that they have been set aside as unfit for His great work in this end of the Age.

And He showed me that though the chastising seemeth grievous for the time, and the discipline hard to endure, yet the result with all the glory of Sonship is worth it all, and the glory to follow far exceeds the suffering we endure. And though some lose even their lives in this training, yet they will share alike in the glory of His eternal purposes. So faint not, saints of God, for it is the Lord that doth bring thee into confinement, and not thine enemy. It is for thy good, and for His glory, so endure all things with praises and thanksgiving that He hath counted thee worthy to share His glory! Fear thou not the whip in His hand, for it is not to punish thee, but to correct and train thee, that thou mightest come into submission to His will, and be found in His likeness in that Hour. Rejoice thou in thy trials, in all thy tribulations, and glory thou in His cross, and in the confining limitations of His harness, for He hath chosen thee, and He hath taken upon Himself the responsibility of keeping thee strong and well fed, so lean thou upon Him, and trust not in thin own ability and thine own understanding. So shalt thou be fed, and His hand shall be upon thee, and His glory shall overshadow thee and shall flow through thee as it goes forth to cover the earth. Glory to God! Bless the Lord, He’s wonderful! Let Him be Lord of your life, friends, and complain not at that which He bringeth to pass in your life.

Plenty in the Time of Famine

For in the hour when famine sweeps the land, He shall feed by His own hand those who are submitted to His perfect will, and who dwell in the secret place of the Most High. When terror stalks the land, those in His harness hall not be afraid, for they shall feel His bit and bridle and know the guidance of His Spirit. When others are weak and frail and fearful, there shall be those who shall be strong in the power of His might, and shall lack for no good thing. In the hour when the traditions of the religious systems have proven false, and their streams have dried up, then His Chosen ones shall speak forth with the true Word of the Lord. So rejoice, Sons of God, that you have been chosen by His grace for this great work in this last hour. The fence which kept the colts in their own meadows and their own pastures mean nothing to the team in the harness, for the gates open to them, and they go forth pulling the king’s carriage into many strange and wonderful places. They do not stop to eat the poison weeds of sin, for they feed only in the Master’s stable. These fields they trample under their feet as they go forth on the King’s business. And so to those who are brought into absolute subjection to His will, there is no Law. For they move in the Grace of God, led only by His Spirit where all things are lawful but not all things are expedient. This is a dangerous realm for the undisciplined, and many have perished in sin as they leaped over the fence without His harness and His bridle. Some have though of themselves as being completely harnessed and submissive to Him, only to find that in some avenue of their life there dwelled rebellion and self-will. Let us wait before Him until He puts His noose around us and draws us to His place of training. And let us learn of the dealings of God and the movings of His Spirit until at last we feel His harness drop about us, and hear His voice guiding us. Then there is safety from the traps and pitfalls of sin, and then shall we abide in His house forever!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Send Me . . .

We went to church this morning, and I was so unsettled ... so distracted.  I kept thinking about all the funds I still needed to collect from people who were not there.  Couldn’t find a comfortable place to find God.  Everywhere I was, someone was either singing too loud, or bumping me, or passing me back and forth in the aisle ... I was agitated.  Then I moved to the back wall, and then people were talking getting ready for communion, then I went to another side where they have put up these huge burlap maps of the continents ... and I was drawn to Africa ... I stood there and cried hot tears ... crying out to the Lord to send us to Ethiopia.  Trying to find Him ... I know He is everywhere but for me, He is still waiting in Ethiopia for us.  I wanted to take down the map and wrap it around me like a blanket ...  to cover myself, to immerse myself in Africa.  This is something I never would have guessed ... that I will not be content until I am there.  Oh Lord ... here I am .. send me.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quarterly Sponsorship Due

Just a reminder that the next Quarterly donation of $60 for your sponsored child through Living Way Orphan Ministry is due. It was actually due in December but I was so busy getting ready for our trip to Ethiopia that I forgot to send out my reminder. The quarters run with the school year ... September, December, March, and June. So if you can let me know when to expect your donation that would be great! I need to gather all the funds quickly so that I can do a wire transfer to Ethiopia, so there is no delay in the support for the kids. 

You can either mail your check to:
Rivers of Living Water
PO Box 802
Whitehall, MT. 59759

or go to and make an online PayPal payment.  Be sure to add a few extra dollars per sponsorship for the PayPal fees. Thanks.

We hope that you will be able to continue the sponsorship of your child in Gojjo, but if at anytime you need to cancel your sponsorship, please let us know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so that we can try to find another sponsor for your child and there will be no lapse in support. Thanks.

Thank you!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tomoca Coffee

We've got his AWESOME Tomoca Ethiopian Coffee for sale as part of our Adoption Fundraiser. The coffee is $10 per bag ...  Proceeds help us reunite our son with his 2 brothers through Adoption. To order go to Thank you!! ♥

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Coffee Bean Jewelry

We have Ethiopian Coffee Bean Jewelry for sale as part of our Adoption Fundraiser.  They are handmade by ladies at an HIV work project in Ethiopia. They are made from Coffee Beans, Silver coated nickel or brass. All proceeds will go towards our Adoption of our son's 2 brothers. ♥  Go to

Adoption Fundraiser

This is our son ... Joshua Gezaw. He is 8 years old. We are in process of adopting his 2 brothers, ages 12 & 5 who he hasn't seen in about 3 years. All proceeds from the sales of our Ethiopian Coffee Bean Jewelry and Ethiopian Coffee will help unite these brothers again, forever! Please help us. Go to Thank you.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

We Need A Miracle

Friends ... I have a story to tell, and we need some prayer.
In case you did not know, we have been in the process of adopting our son's 2 brothers for a long time ... since last March or May I think, seriously, I'd lost track. I started thinking it was not going to happen so I kind of distanced myself from the process. A few weeks ago we were told that their local region had put writing any new approval letters on hold.
In the meantime, the Lord provided and invited us, no ... urged us, to go to Ethiopia to serve what turned out to be 1400+ Orphans in Gojjo, Christmas Dinner and take 300 lbs. of donations for them. We obeyed .. it did not make any sense. Even with a huge spontaneous donation, we had to clean out our savings to go. The Lord told me, if he could provide for our trip, he could provide for our adoption and to trust Him. So in total faith, we went. It's easy to trust when you think the need is far off down the road ...
And an amazing trip it was. And we know now that we will be living there in the near future ... but, we have since heard that the approval letters have been written, praise God, in fact 2 of them for the next level, and there is only one more letter to go before we will be submitted to court! WOW!
But, oh-oh. OK Lord ... now we have no more money. And we're talking not only Country fees, but Court, and Embassy and 6 more airline tickets. So the Lord said he would provide ... and I am trusting He will ... with weak and wavering knees. We were prophesied over, that for us, there would be no lack of funds. Wow .. that would be something!
So I am putting this out there. We need a miracle. For right now, to get to court, we will need $8000 for country fees, and $4000 for airline tickets for court. To get to Embassy and home we will need another estimated $10,000. So ... we will be starting some serious fundraising, not only for our adoption of our son's 2 brothers, but also so that we can go serve ... Please pray for us. Thank you.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Moving to Ethiopia . . .

Once our eyes are opened,
we can't pretend we don't know what to do.
God who keeps our hearts and weighs our souls,
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act."

~ Proverbs 24:12

We are now preparing our family to move to Ethiopia to serve.

In 2009, we embarked on an incredible journey, that took us to a far off land. We adopted 3 children from Ethiopia. Little did we know that this was just the beginning and where this journey would lead us. We now find ourselves being drawn back to Ethiopia, but this time, not only to adopt 2 more children ... but to serve among "the least of these".

Read our Blog post "The Invitation"

Our heart's desire has become to help orphans and widows in Ethiopia, Africa. We began seeing little notes everywhere. Until finally, it became so obvious we finally got it. The Lord was inviting us to come to Ethiopia and join Him in His work there.

My husband and I both knew we were called to missions years before we were ever married, so this has come as no real surprise ... except for the timing. We are older now, and we will have 8 children, 3 from the US, 5 from Ethiopia, as we are currently in the process of adopting our son's 2 brothers.

But all these things we see as hindrances and obstacles, matter little to the Lord, and our hearts are bent on following Him wherever He leads us. Just in case you are wondering, this is not some idea we came up with, as we probably would not have chosen this for our lives. It is the God of the Universe speaking to His children like the Father that He is.

"For I know the plans I have for you." says the Lord.
"Plans to prosper and not harm you.
Plans to give you a hope and a future."
~ Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord recently sent us on a trip to Ethiopia and confirmed time and time again, that this was His will for our family.

5 times He said:

"Every place you set your foot ... I will give you the land."

So now, here we are, willing to go. We believe the Lord is leading us to serve in Gojjo, a remote village about 2-3 hours NW of the capital, Addis Ababa. There are over 1400 orphans in the village of Gojjo. We have started a Child Sponsorship program there with 102 children sponsored so far. We feel called to go to Gojjo to help with the administration and hands on work of the organization, but mostly we feel called to love on the children, to look into their eyes, to touch them, to hug them, to tell them God has a plan for their lives, that they are not forgotten, that they are loved and show them the Love of the Father. 

It is also our desire to help the widows in the village by starting up small entrepreneurial businesses, such as jewelry and basket making, making soap and skin care products. Some of this is what I already do here in the states. See my website

Our hope is also to organize short term mission trips to Addis & Gojjo. We will be there to meet our guests and to invite them to catch the vision for orphan and widow ministry. We hope to acquire land and raise up a flock of sheep and cows as an ongoing feeding program to help feed the orphan kids of Gojjo.

We may end up having a home base in Addis Ababa and travel back and forth to Gojjo or we may end up living in Gojjo. At this point that is not clear. In our experience, we have found that the Lord does not give you the whole picture at once, only little pieces of the puzzle. But we trust that He has a plan and He knows what He is doing.

Here is what we need before we can go ...

Most of all we need Prayer ... lots of prayer

We have some major decisions to make ... do we sell our house or rent it out. This will be a huge transition for all of us, especially our kids. We homeschool, so we can go anywhere, but it's so much more than that. We are a Christian family going to a place where Jesus loving Christians are not always welcome. There are opposing beliefs, practices and religions. We need your prayers for protection, for us and especially for our children.

We are laying our lives down into the hands of a loving Father and trusting Him to take care of all the details.

We need start up money
We need airfare for our entire family ... us and 8 kids. .... Approx. $18,000
We will need our own used 12 passenger van .... Approx. $25,000 (250% tax)

We need Monthly Support
We will need housing and living expenses ... Approx. $1500 per month

We know and have faith that God is able to provide all of our needs.  We make them known because we also know that He uses people for His glory.

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
As it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
~ Romans 10:14-15

We can't do this without you ... will you help send us?

Friday, January 20, 2012

He Speaks !

On the Sunday after we got home ...  Our pastor preached THE SAME scripture as we heard in Addis two Sundays before. "Moses is dead. Why are you still here? GO AND TAKE THE LAND I HAVE PROMISED YOU. " God is amazing. He is the same everywhere. And people say God does not speak. You just have to be listening..... HE SPEAKS !!!"

Every Place . . .

"I pray blessings over, through and in you. I pray that everywhere you place your foot that the enemy loses that piece of ground. I pray our enemy again realizes the power of our God and sees us and shrinks in fear because he is with us. May God bless you and keep you."

A word from God.   He repeated that to us 4 more times during our trip:

"... everywhere you place your foot that the enemy loses that piece of ground."  

 "Every place that you set your foot will be a place of victory for you."

 "Everywhere you place your foot, that land will be given to you"

 "He said that may GOD be with you in all step where you want to go and the place that you stepped will be yours."

 "Go and take the land, the land that I have promised you ... all this land you see I give it to you."
Lord .. we hear you. ♥ 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

God Speaks . . .

Daily Scripture for Each day of our Trip ... plus some prophetic words.

Day 1: He (Jesus) gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.   ~ 1Timothy 2:6, NLT

Day 2:  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever ~ Hebrews 13:8, NLT
This was also the scripture across the front of the church in Kotebe. ♥"

Day 3: My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.  ~ Psalms 73:26, NLT

Day 4:  This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun. ~ 2 Cor. 5:17, NLT

Day 4: You do not need to be afraid or terrified, for the Lord your God goes before you; He will never leave your nor forsake you. Every place that you set your foot will be a place of victory for you. No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life.

Day 5:  "For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord, "they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."  ~ Jeremiah 29:11, NLT"

Also on Day 5 ... From Pastor Antone at Korah:  "He said that may GOD be with you in all step where you want to go and the place that you stepped will be yours ..."

On Sunday: The sermon was about GOING and taking the promised land. Moses gave Lot the choice and he chose what appeared to be the better land, but then the Lord said to Moses, "Look around and see, everywhere you see I will give to you as an inheritance. Go and take the land". Hearing you speak, Lord.

Tuesday 1/3/2012  God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.   ~ Romans 8:28, NLT

Wednesday 1/4/2012: For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Thursday 1/5/2012:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 
~ Proverbs 3:5, NLT

Friday 1/6/2012:  Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.  ~ Proverbs 3:6, NLT

Saturday 1/7/2012:  Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.   ~ Romans 12:2, NLT

Sunday 1/8/2012:  Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.   ~ Philippians 4:6, NLT

Monday 1/9/2012:  Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.  ~ Ephesians 3:20, NLT

Tuesday 1/10/2012:  And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.  ~ Philippians 1:6, NLT

Wednesday 1/11/2012:  And this same God who takes care of me will supply all of your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  ~ Philippians 4:19, NLT

Thursday 1/12/2012:  The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me.  ~ Psalm 138:8, NLT

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I Am Ruined . . .

OK ... walked into church, SO many people, dimmed lights, dirt floors, the music ... annointed. Intense, all encompassing sound ... everyone was SHOUTING their praises. Nothing passive in the room. Everyone on their feet, full body worshipping, raising hands, intense faces, pouring out their hearts to their Lord and Savior. Hot tears streaming down my face, intoxicating love from Jesus being poured out. 

I felt like I was being immersed in the music, the worship, His Love. People worshipping freely without any concern of who may be watching ... an audience of ONE. Worshiping in a room of probably 1000 people, singing as one body to the Lord yet, so intimate at the same time, like I was the only one in the room. 

I am on a worship team that I love at home. But I will NEVER be the same. And I thought we were free ... I AM UNDONE. I am ruined. This MUST be a taste of heaven. 

Jesus ... please let us live here. ♥

It Happened Again . . .

The same thing has happened again ... Years ago I went on a mission trip to Czech Republic. I was invited to go with full time missionaries. I was the worship dance leader at our church, we had colorful flags.... :) I was going on a mission trip ... but I was the one who was changed. God didn't need me to tell anyone in Czezh about Him ... He had already revealed himself thru His Holy Spirit to a people oppressed by Communism (when God was taken out of school, work, business ... LIFE and children were told "There is no God " Hmmm ... sounds like someplace else I know) ... anyway I came away changed. Today after church I walked out in a holy daze. Why would the Lord need me here? THEY ALREADY HAVE HIM. (At least at THIS church). Ah-men.
Oh yeah ... another thing. When I was in Czech .. we met in the prayer room to pray along with the worship team, before church began. The worship leader knew no English and we all needed interpreters to talk and pray with each other. During worship, they were singing the songs and suddenly she began singing her own song. I was worshiping myself, caught up and I heard her sing, "The Lord He is ...God, The Lord He is God". My eyes bolted up and looked at her, then at my friends David and Linda Snell and the interpreter at our table ... he saw concern look on my face and leaned over and said, "She is singing in tongues." I said, "No .. she is singing in English." I heard her plain as day. No one else did. 
Well today in worship, here we are having a glorious time with Jesus and I began to pray ... Lord PLEASE let that happen again. I want to hear them, to understand. And as I was worshipping, eyes closed, I heard him sing in English, "Lord, I need your touch." PRAISE GOD.