Once our eyes are opened,
we can't pretend we don't know what to do.
God who keeps our hearts and weighs our souls,
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act."
Proverbs 24:12
In 2010, along with thousands of other families, we adopted 3 children from Ethiopia.
Little did we know where this journey would lead us to. We now find ourselves being drawn back to Ethiopia but not only to adopt kids ... but to serve.
Our heart's desire has become to help orphans and widows in need, wherever the Lord leads us. Right now, the Lord is leading us back to Ethiopia, Africa. We began seeing little notes He was leaving everywhere. Until finally, it became so obvious we finally got it. The Lord has invited us to come to Ethiopia and join Him in His work there.
My husband and I both knew we were called to missions years before we were ever married, so this has come as no real surprise except for the timing. We are older, we now have 6 children, 3 adopted from Ethiopia and we are in the process of adopting 2 brothers.
But our hearts are bent on following the Lord wherever He leads. This is not an idea we made up inside our heads, it is the God of the universe speaking to His children like the Father that He is.
"For I know the plans I have for you." says the Lord.
"Plans to prosper and not harm you.
Plans to give you a hope and a future."
~ Jeremiah 29:11
So now, here we are. In order to go, we have some major decisions to make ... do we sell our house, do we rent it out. What about finances, my husband's job, insurance, what about our animals. But in all of this, we are laying our lives down into the hands of a loving Father and trusting Him to take care of all the details.
If you feel lead to help us, we would greatly appreciate it. We will need start up money in order to go. Airfare for 8 people, initial living expenses, possibly a vehicle, as we will be living 3 hours from the city. After setting up camp, then we will need monthly support. We know and have faith that God is able to provide all of our needs, but we make them known because we also know that he sometimes uses people. But most of all, really, we need your prayers.
This will be a huge transition for all of us, especially our kids. We homeschool, so we can go anywhere, but it's so much more than that. We are a Christian family going to a place where Jesus loving Christians are not always welcome. There are opposing beliefs, practices and religions. We need your prayers for protection, for us and for our children.
We have a good idea of what we will be doing there although all the details will not be worked out until we arrive, I am sure. We feel called to go to the village of Gojjo. Our friends have an organization there called Living Water Orphan Ministry. There are over 1000 orphans in the village. A Child Sponsorship program has been started there. We feel called to go to Gojjo to help with the administration and hands on work of the organization.
It is also our desire to help the widows in the village by starting up small entrepreneurial businesses, such as jewelry and basket making, making soap and skin care products. Some of this is what I already do here in the states. See my website www.wildprairiefarms.net.
Our hope is also to organize short term mission trips to Addis & Gojjo. We will be there to meet our guests and to invite them to catch the vision for orphan and widow ministry.
It is also our desire to acquire land and raise up a flock of sheep and cows as an ongoing feeding program to help feed the orphan kids of Gojjo.
We are visionaries and have many ideas on how we hope to serve the people of Gojjo, but most of all we want to be the hands and feet of Jesus and show them the love of God.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
As it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
~ Romans 10:14-15
Will you help Send us?
You can donate here towards
The Schilling Family's
This will enable our family to
accept the invitation to go to Ethiopia
to serve the Lord there.
Thank you.