This blog entry has been removed. This makes me very sad .....
I posted it so that other mom's across the nation would have SOMEONE they could relate to. And instead, I have been judged by it ....
As adoptive parents, we have all these books recommended to us on the kids, how to help them adjust, how to help them attach, how to help them connect, but there is no one out there who is honest enough to say what the adults might be going through and that it's OK. I had done just that ... on purpose... to try to help someone else... and now I am being judged by it.
People don't really want you to be honest. Then if you are, they label you and put you in a box.
I feel my trust has been violated. Makes me not want to share here anymore.
My life has always been this: to comfort others with the same comfort I myself have received. That comfort has not come from "the professionals", that comfort has come directly from God Almighty. And I willingly expose myself so that others might find the same comfort and healing I have found. That is who I am and why I was made. I will continue to do this for the rest of my life. But maybe not here and not today.
Can I forgive? Yes I can. But, my trust has been violated.